Sounds strange isn’t it? But true. As our sage and spiritual gurus always claimed that positivity vanishes anything negative, similarly your positive frame of mind will erase all the diseases within and without you.
There is an interesting story to this thought. Once upon a time, many years ago, there lived a great saint on the outskirts of a prosperous town. Once early morning, he sees a shadow lurching near the town walls. He asked the shadow boldly about its intention. The shadow replied that it is a disease and has come to kill 5000 people of that particular town. The saint resigned to its reality. After about a couple of months, the saint saw the shadow leaving the town. This time he asked a tad angrily that why did the disease kill 15000 people when it only promised to kill 5000. The shadow very innocently said that he had kept his promise of killing 5000 the rest 10000 died of fear.
Have you noticed that all our negative emotions like anger, fear hatred and the like do not have any physical existence outside our minds? It is only when we act on them and involve people and situation that they give a realistic result. Similarly, these viruses are non-entities when outside our consciousness. The moment we allow them into our physical self, they thrive and multiply on our protein strands. So, it isn’t practical to erase something which is already ‘not there’. But it is mandatory to remove the fertile ground for a negative entity to grow. If we are not able to do so, it will harm us and our loved ones.
This is the time to remove few of the age-old habits that we are living with. Like, expecting others to do our daily chores, look after our needs and live a generally selfish existence. It is time to take out the yoga mat and formulate a habit of treating our bodies like a temple. It is really a time to be creative with our food habits, which means eat tasty, healthy and innovative. This is the moment when we have actually the opportunity to have a committed love for the person whom we have been ignoring all these times, that is, with our own selves.
The most potent weapon to fight this virus is already with us.
Unleash your positive thoughts, smile at life every moment and show immense gratitude to universe for this existence.
Virus? Was it really there? …… never felt it.


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