Health is a holistic achievement of well-being.
So, keeping the aforesaid thought in mind we definitely shouldn’t try to put health in some one-inch capsule. “Alternative Medicines”, are indicative of lifestyle and healing practices which elevates one to the state of peace, health and satiety. I have been practicing the Alternative Medicine for the past 22 years with astounding effects.
Health arises from failure. There is nothing called absolute health. One needs to build from whatever is found within oneself. It is interesting to note that traditional medicines or healing methods try to remove the issues the patient is suffering from, which is quite commendable. But we have a tendency to delve deeper, and look for the cure within. It is the combined effort of the person, treatment, environment, food and prayers which pulls him to a state of complete well- being.
There is no generalized treatment for anyone here. God created everyone for a purpose, similarly our system of treatment caters to everyone separately. I have customized my protocol for individual patients even though two of them could be suffering from the same ailment.
Our system includes the five elements of nature along with the four state of the individual to heal.
Colour Therapy, Reiki, Astrology, Gem Therapy, SuJok, Acupuncture, magnet therapy, energy healing are few of the systems followed in combination to bring about good health in the patient. There are 55 therapies in all which are used here. In alternative system of medicine, there is no hurry to heal, because we aim to cure permanently. I seldom have repeat patients for the same issue and I have treated more than 5000 patients successfully.
“A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.”– Mary Davis.
The role and power of nature to heal us has been proved time and again. I recommend and use the elements and logic for treating my patients. Even with the outbreak of the pandemic, people who had regular sun bath neither had any skin nor lung issues. Modern medicine needs to be an add on to our ancient knowledge, rather than a deviation. Every healer and therapist need to incorporate technique with prayer for a holistic healing experience. We do not call Nature mother for nothing. Proper breathing methods, regularised food habits and intake of adequate amount of water cures the body of all toxins.
Healing and health are two sides of the same coin. The therapist also needs to prove through his lifestyle choices that he is advocating whatever he is practicing.
Health is God’s blessings. Holistic healthy life is the abode of God himself.


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