This is the second article of our SLEEP ALONG series. It takes the readers to the meridian activated in the next hour.
11:00 PM to 1:00 AM:-
During this time, the average world is sleeping leaving the pettiness and worries of the world behind. However some of us find it extremely difficult to sleep during this time or repeatedly wake up thus losing sleep. The GALL BLADDER meridian is active during this time. A malfunction in this meridian can lead to migraines and persistent headaches. This meridian corresponds to Chinese element of wood. So, if one wakes up during this time regularly or has disturbed sleep, then he needs to let his anger go.

The sound way of achieving perfect health is balancing the CHI. TAI CHI and QI GONG are two forms of gentle exercises prescribed to restore the balance of CHI in the gall bladder. We conduct classes on TAI CHI for the benefit of our students. Moxibustion, involves burning a stick or a cone at the acupuncture points. This is quite an effective healing method for issues with gallbladder. Regular cleansing of gallbladder is recommended here. The patient should have lemon juice along with olive oil in the ratio of 4:2 and drink it 8 times every 15 minutes. But this should be preceded by fasting for 12 hours. The two BACH FLOWER remedies very effective for this are AGRIMONY, CERATO AND CENTAURY. Application of the yellow and green colour can help to stimulate the gallbladder to function normally. One needs to let the past go. Letting go is the best method of healing. Respect your decisions whatever you had made at the particular time and accept yourself. One can also try having a bath before the bedtime. Pranic method of regular cleansing can help in easing out excess dense energy from the gallbladder. We train people with the Pranic system of healing also.
Dr. Anoop Kumar 9811240242


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